30 abril 2009

Houselife by Koolhaas

koolhaas houselife from VILLA on Vimeo.

It is always surprising, sometimes even to us architects to understand the capability that architecture has to change attitudes through innovation. This video is another example of it, as great architects in the past used new technologies to create the modernity, we today, use it to achieve our contemporary

26 abril 2009

24 abril 2009

Visita guiada ao Learning Center_EPFL Lausanne

Visita e explicação da obra do Learning Center feita pelos próprios SANAA
(Sejima+Nishizawa), em exclusivo para o nosso atelier =)

18 abril 2009

Lac Leman 4/09

12 abril 2009

08 abril 2009


onde Freddy quiz passar os seus ultimos dias...

06 abril 2009

Porque hoje a terra tremeu por cá também...

02 abril 2009

yeah...Finally a weekend with SOciAL LiFeeee! uff...